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FREE NIOS व्यवसाय अध्ययन/Business Studies (215) SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22

    FREE NIOS Solved Assignment 2021-2022

    व्यवसाय अध्ययन/Business Studies (215) in PDF 10th Class

    Get NIOS Free Solved Assignments 2021-2022 Secondary Course (10th) In PDF format All NIOS TMA answers are available in Computerized Typing so students can easily understand and face no problems when copying from My Online NIOS Solved Assignment 2021-22


    Q1:- Advertising is an effective aid in selling the good. How?

    Ans:- Brand Loyalty:- Advertising helps to develop brand loyalty. Brand loyalty results in repeat purchases and favorable recommendations to others by existing customers. Sales promotion, 
    effective personal selling, timely and efficient direct marketing, and other techniques help to develop brand loyalty.

    Q2:- Describe how sole proprietorship facilities better control in the business.

    Ans:- Quick Decision Marking:- A sole proprietor enjoys complete freedom in taking the decision.
    (a) It facilitates quick decision-making as there is no need to consult others. He talks about all major or minor decisions.
    (b) Timely decisions help him to take advantage of market opportunities as and when they arise.

    Q3:- Business involves RISK and Uncertainty. Explain.

    Ans:- Business risk is the possibility a company will have lower than anticipated profits or experience a loss rather than making a profit. Business risk is influenced by numerous factors, 
    including sales volume, per-unit price, input costs, competition, and the overall economic climate and government regulations.

    Q4:- Distinguish between a Bonded and a Co-operative warehouse.

    Ans:- Bonded Warehouse:- A bonded warehouse is a secure warehouse in which goods are stored until customs duty is paid or the goods are cleared for export. Authorized operators of bonded warehouses are often required to provide a custom bond.
    Co-operative Warehouses:- As the very name implies, these warehouses are owned, managed, and controlled by co-operative societies. These societies provide storage facilities at the most economical rates to their members only. The basic purpose to run such a warehouse is not to earn profit but to help their members.

    Q5:- Explain the classification of different types of e-commerce? 

    Ans:- There are six basic types of e-commerce –
    (a) Business-to-Business (B2B):- B2B e-commerce refers to all electronic transactions of goods and sales that are conducted between two companies.
    (b) Business-to-Consumer (B2C):- Perhaps the most common form of e-commerce, B2C e-commerce deals with electronic business relationships between business and consumers.
    (c) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C):- This level of e-commerce encompasses all electronic transactions that take place between consumers. Generally, these transactions are provided
     by online platforms.
    (d) Consumer-to-Business (C2B):- Not the most traditional form of e-commerce, C2B e-
    commerce is when a consumer makes their services or products available for companies to purchase.
    (e) Business-to-Administration (B2A):- This e-commerce category refers to all transactions 
     between companies and public administration.
    (f) Consumer-to-Administration (C2A):- Another popular e-commerce category, C2A e-
    commerce encompasses all-electric transactions between individuals and public 

    Q6:- Your friend is facing a difficulty in establishing an effective communication with his friend. Explain him what could be the barrier of effective communication. Also guide him to solve such barriers.
    Ans:- There are many reasons why interpersonal communications may fail. In many 
    communications, the message may not be received exactly the way the sender intended and hence it is important that the communicator seeks feedback to check that their message is clearly 

    Some of the common barriers to effective communication include:-
    • The use of Jargon. Over-complicated or unfamiliar terms.
    • Emotional barriers and taboos.
    • Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
    • The difference in perception and viewpoint.
    • Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
    • Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
    • Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
    A skilled communicator must be aware of this barrier and try to reduce their impact by continually checking to understand and by offering appropriate feedback.

    The submission of TMAs The schedule for submission of the Secondary Course TMAs at AIs for both admission blocks is given below:

    Table No. 1:
    Public ExaminationBy Learners to study centersFeedback by the Subject Teacher to the Learner
    April/May31st January15th February
    October/November 31st July15th August

    If the last date so mentioned happens to be a public holiday / Saturday / Sunday, for the reason, the next working day will be automatically treated as the last.

    Important Instructions

    By now you must have started studying your Secondary Course of the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). As you already know, planned and continuous study is necessary for successful completion of a course. We have developed several means and strategies to help you to learn and be a successful learner. Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA) is one such means.

    TMAs will help you to: 
    • develop regular study habit which is necessary to become a self learner;
    • know the subject matter better;
    • get practice in writing responses to questions thereby having a kind of rehearsal in the preparation for the final examination; 
    • receive feedback and confirmation about the correctness of the response provided by you; 
    • check your progress in studying the subject you had opted for, so that you can find out subject areas where you have difficulties and need to put in more effort to learn well; and
    • maintain contact with the subject teachers at your Accredited Institution (AI) and take appropriate guidance in your studies.

    How to Prepare Answer Script for TMAs?

    In this booklet you will find one assignment in each subject. You are required to complete the assignment in your own handwriting in the chosen subjects only. Use one sided lined paper to prepare answer script for TMAs and submit them to your teacher at your Study Centre (AI).

    The Format of TMA 
    You will notice that TMA is for 20 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3, comprise of short answer questions. Each question has two choices of which you have to attempt only one i.e. 2+2+2= 6 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3 will thus cover 6 marks. 

    Question nunmber 4 and 5 are long answer questions of 4 marks each. You have to answer only one question out of the two given. Thus, questions 4 and 5 are for 8 marks (4+4=8).

    Question no. 6 gives you two projects of which you have to attempt only one. This question will be for 6 marks. The guidelines for each project work are given along with the topic set.

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